Return to Green proudly presents Hack ReFi. Hack ReFi is a regenerative finance hackathon that will run from November 1st until November 15th. The hackathon themes will be around energy, circularity, water, healthy people and planet as well as art. During COP28 we will have an in person showcase for the winners of the hackathon as part of the When World's Collide event series. This will give winners the ability to connect with international governments officials, corporates and influencers. Our media reach is over 50 million individuals. Some of the top sponsors I can mention so far are Minerva Valuations, and Cascadia Carbon. Cascadia Carbon are enabling carbon negative giving for people that donate towards this hackathon (we have a 501C3 sponsor, Hackclub). Minerva will provide valuations for the winning teams so that when they make connections to bring their projects to the next level, they will have an idea of how valuable their organization is.
More details can be found on our website and you can join the conversation at
Return to Green Achievements
Return to Green hosted one of the first metaverse events for the regenerative finance movement. This event brought in 5.3 eth to Giveth projects around the world focused on the environment through an NFT auction featuring art from 48 artists. Along with that it had a full day of talks from ReFi leaders from around the world. The second event helped to bring in funds through a digital artist's first ever NFT exhibition and auction, with funds going to mental health organizations on Giveth. EthSantiago streamed their event into the metaverse and the community has grown to 159 Twitter followers and a 49 person Telegram.
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