"I'm going to stop running now, because I just don't have the legs for it anymore."
Hello, my name is Alex, and I am a survivor of sexual abuse. After months of silence, I am bravely stepping forward to seek healing and justice. This fundraiser will help me access the much needed resources to rebuild my life
Victimhood and perpetration can coexist in complex ways highlighting the willingness to go to desperate lengths for the sake of one's goals .Someone I trusted, a mentor who took me under his wing has left deep emotional and physical scars.
As a male survivor, I’ve faced unique challenges in seeking support due to stigma, but I am committed to reclaiming my life. Fear of ridicule or disbelief prevents men from sharing our stories publicly. Many of us fear that we'll be seen as "weak" or "not real men" if we disclose abuse. Safety Issues and cultural taboos around male victimization may be a struggle to resonate with audiences conditioned to view men as perpetrators rather than survivors.
And that is why I'm here today, to ask you for your support to reclaim my life and be the man I know I can be. I'm determined to not be defined by this, but to turn my trauma into purpose.
Your generosity will immensely fuel my resilience and any amount brings me closer to safety and recovery.
The Funds will be used for:
1. Re-enrollment: Enroll in school to pursue Psychology with a specialization in the trauma and recovery of male sexual abuse victims.
-Few therapists or organizations specialize in male trauma recovery, limiting survivors’ ability to feel safe and reach out for help.
2. Living Expenses for my first semester as I settle into school.
-This will give me a little time to secure a part time job as I study and build a safe community around me.
- It will also provide some stability as I focus on healing without financial strain.
Your generosity is more than a donation—it’s a lifeline. Together, we challenge the stigma that isolates male survivors.
Your Support means I'm not Alone, Together we break the Silence.
Thank you for being part of my transformative journey.
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