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Get Started as a Project owner

Create project, promote it and raise donations

Become a project Owner on Giveth

We may be biased, but we really believe that Giveth is the best donation platform in the world. When you raise funds for your project on Giveth, you receive 100% of every cent that was donated to you since Giveth takes zero fees. Not only that, but you can also earn rewards when you refer others to donate on Giveth! Check out our resources below to learn how to quickly and easily launch your project on Giveth and join us in the Future of Giving
Set up Your Giveth Project
Learn how to set up your own project on Giveth, so you can start earning funds straight away with zero fees and join of the Future of Giving.
Get Your Project Verified
It is possible to have a project on Giveth without being verified. However, there are some pretty good benefits to getting verified, including greater legitimacy and more rewards for your donors. Our verification process is simply, straightforward and human.
Promote Your Giveth Project
Learn how to make your project stand out so you can get as many donors and supporters to your project as possible both from your network as well as the Giveth community.

What else can you do on Giveth?


See how Giveth works for donors and it’s benefits.


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