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Trash Cleaning Incentive
Transparency and accountability are paramount in addressing environmental challenges.What: The Trash Cleaning Incentive (TCI) is a revolutionary Web3 platform that rewards eco-friendly actions with unparalleled transparency. By using blockchain technology, TCI offers clear, verifiable recognition of environmental efforts, with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as proof of contribution. A dynamic leaderboard ignites healthy competition and fosters a united drive for ecological preservation.Why:Tackling multifaceted environmental challenges requires addressing waste management inefficiencies, combating illegal dumping, and reshaping societal attitudes. The absence of a collaborative platform hinders the synergy between governments, businesses, and individuals. Moreover, existing systems lack the transparent incentive mechanisms necessary to motivate widespread participation.How:TCI presents a holistic solution, empowering stakeholders across sectors to support grassroots environmental actions. This Web 3.0 platform enables direct, meaningful engagement in sustainability efforts, fostering a community-centric approach to ecological stewardship.When:The TCI's minimum viable product (MVP) has been developed, highlighting the project's readiness for implementation. However, funding is crucial to bootstrap the SARTT Token, ensuring the project's success and scalability, making a tangible impact on waste management and environmental sustainability.Contract us:- Website: The Trash Cleaning Incentive ( Email: Linktree:


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