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The Unchained Index by TrueBlocks
The Unchained Index is a collection of tools that "scrape" EVM-based chains looking at every transaction/trace/log/block/receipt -- that is -- everything and builds an index of address appearances.With that index, which we publish in a novel way using IPFS, we can build unique and interesting applications. We recently completed this application, which demonstrates our stance vis-a-vis the Ethereum data: Ethereum data is a public good, and it must remain so.In January, we published a Specification for the Unchained Index, which fully explains the process of building the index. We've begun writing various "mini-dapps" which will help to explain and showcase our tech stack.We seek funding to continue our work which would involve professionalizing, documenting, and getting the word out about our project. We've written extensively about our work here: and have an active community at our discord (accessible through our website).


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