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Merijaan — for a plastic free world
We believe in a world without new plastic. And we make the best out of the old. We develop & market sustainable surf equipment and create a new awareness for dealing with plastic through education. We act courageously, authentically and socially. Many people want an alternative to the throwaway society. A conscious and sustainable use of resources such as plastic offers an opportunity to act responsibly and do something good for oneself and the environment. This requires education on recycling and more sustainable products. There is a lack of both. People are looking for practical and attractive ways to use resources more consciously and thus protect themselves and the environment. Merijaan addresses both problems: 1. Social: By educating people about up- & recycling, we create a new awareness about how to deal with plastic. We organise plastic recycling workshops and set up circular economies. We are currently digitising all our educational material. The result will be a 4 month transmedia plastic recycling workshop series for children — including audio, visio and hands-on components. 2. Surf: We develop and market sustainable surf equipment made from recycled & recyclable plastic, enabling people to surf in an environmentally and health-friendly way. We use the material that already exists so that no new material is produced.


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