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EcoSynthesisX - Public Good funding & Impact Market
EcoSynthesisXFostering Eco & Tech integrations, EcoSynthesisX propels the global community towards sustainable and regenerative living. By cultivating environmental public goods, we accelerate the ecological and economic benefits of embracing green initiatives.Problem StatementWe are facing critical environmental challenges, exacerbated by traditional business practices and a lack of effective solutions. These issues are particularly acute in areas like Koh Phangan, Thailand, where the ecosystem is under significant strain. We started our pilot initiatives on Phangan to try and extend globally!Our MissionProtect the environment by educating and raising awareness on the Air Quality topic, particularly by empowering NGOs and communities and creating local microeconomics.§ Public Good funding. EcoSynthesisX runs QF rounds to support ReFi & DeSci founders/builders. As well as to boost local on ground nonprofits and NGOs. Currently we are running EcoSynthesisX Spring Round on 7 chains. You can find the main chains down below:Optimism them out and join us in making a difference!§ Impact NFT Collections for NGOs and Eco Communities §Project DescriptionValue PropositionUser Stories (potential)* 1st Impact NFT collection with Clean Phangan community (ETA the March)* Mockup§ Air Quality AI Assistant for the General Public §Project DescriptionValue PropositionUser Stories (potential)* Beta version Web App (in development)* Alpha version Telegram (stopped)* Mockup§ Microeconomics App for Environmental Impact Makers §Project DescriptionValue PropositionUser Stories (potential)* Front-End Alpha* MockupsTeam Members [Contributing/Contributed]Paul Burg -> Founder, environmental scientist & blockchain enthusiastPhil -> AQ AI Assistant Alpha ([TG bot stopped]Leo -> AQ AI Assistant Beta P [Python backend Alfa]Anastasia -> Impact NFT Collection [In Development]EcoSynthesisX is a catalyst for change. Your contributions lead to a greener future, where technology aids in nurturing our environment. Support us to create environmental wealth and prosperity.[Contribute Now] (


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