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Veterans Outreach Center
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Veterans Outreach Center

Raised: $0.00
Our mission is to serve veterans with compassion and advocate for all who have worn our nation’s uniform so they can RISE and live life to the fullest.<br>Organizational Values<br>Respect: We treat everyone with dignity and compassion, and we show appreciation for strengths as well as vulnerabilities. <br>Integrity: We are trustworthy, honorable, and professional. Taking ownership of our actions and communication is a top priority; we do this by conveying honesty and respect through tone, and verbal and non-verbal interactions. We demonstrate fiscal responsibility with all resources. <br>Service: We believe that service is part of the American fabric, and recognize the great sacrifices that are made by all who have worn our nation’s uniform. We are committed to serving our veterans and their families with passion and deep appreciation for their service. <br>Excellence: We are hard-working, innovative, and creative; we strive for continuous improvement. Our goal is to consistently grow the quality and scope of our services, in order to better meet the needs of our veterans and their families.
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